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Friday, January 19, 2007

Pipeline or Pipedream? You decide.

1. Open a browser or your email program

2. See another traffic scam from a "popular" Internet

3. Click the link

4. Go straight to 'Isolated' and turn left

5. Proceed to 'Desolate' and turn off the engine

6. Read the sign

7. It says, "Welcome to LOST. You got scammed again!"

I cannot leave this alone. Silly has become ridiculous,
which has become absurd.

Everybody and his brother is now peddling traffic products.
Yes, traffic has become the 'scam du jour' of the Internet
Marketing crowd *again.*

They are such a 'herd instinct' bunch...

Those of us who make 100% of our living on line chuckle at
the madness. Then we think about you -- and it's not funny
any more.

Now you have several so-called 'Internet Marketing gurus'
marketing traffic products about CPA networks and Co-Reg.

Let me make this real clear for you...You can lose your butt
as fast as a heartbeat with these two traffic methods.

That's good advice.

I urge and compel you to be very careful and believe about
10% of what the IM crowd tells you. Their real goal is to
tell you what you need and sell you how to do it.

And then - STILL - you have people peddling their crap who
have lost money with these 2 traffic methods, never done
these two traffic methods, or just read some other flippin
guru's traffic product and - yes, you guessed it - now they
are a freakin' traffic expert, too.

Be advised that these two ways to increase on line traffic
cost money -- most times a LOT of money. And if your offer
does not convert well, you can spend a bloody fortune and
have absolutely nothing to show for it except a maxxed out
credit card.

So caveat emptor is the best advice, and if you get suckered
into buying their crummy products, remember that "I told
you so."

There is exactly one person and traffic producer I trust.
Why? He has made hundreds of millions of dollars over the
last decade or so doing it. It is his MAIN business. He is
truly better than anyone anywhere at it.

You need traffic. We all do.

Real, live, real-time, really-interested people who know
exactly why they are at your web site because they clicked
your link to get there.

They were NOT tricked or scammed into clicking a link. They
were NOT bribed to do it. Your link was NOT automatically
populated on some nebulous form somewhere.

So if you want real traffic at an affordable price that
Makes sense and is fair to you - click the "All I Want Is
Traffic" Co-Op link right now and see for yourself.

Unlike the greedy IM gurus, exactly 100 people are allowed into
this brand new, about-to-be-opened co-op. This is NOT the
regular IM guru BS deal where anyone breathing with a valid
credit card is over-hyped into joining.

What have you got to lose by reading the whole truth from
someone who has nothing to hide, does NOT need your money,
and is really trying to protect you from the scammers...
and at the same time provide you a fair and legitimate
traffic service that REALLY WORKS...

You'll be glad you did.

For the complete story on really getting REAL traffic to
your website FAST, look no further than:

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