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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Where is the Magic?

Where is the 'Magic'?

Do you know people who drive fancy cars, live in great big beautiful homes, always seem to have time to do what they wish, enjoy wonderful relationships, or huge bank accounts? In simple words, do they enjoy the good life you wish you had while your working and slaving away to make ends meet or just find a few moments to collapse in exhaustion?

How do they do it? ("they have a secret")
Why not you? ("your not lucky enough")
Don't you deserve it? ("its not fair")
Don't you want it? ("you dream of it all the time")
Are you not working for it? (NO you are not!)
That's right "NO" You are not.

Those of you who know me have often heard me speak of the "Law of Attraction" and the fact that you can literally "Attract" anything you want into your life. This "Law of Attraction" is the most powerful yet simplest law in the whole universe. So simple that it works whether you believe in it, recognize it, or even understand it!

It is this law that is the basis or focus for most personal growth courses. They spend a lot of time talking about how to affirm what you want in your thoughts, the actions you must follow to attract all the wonderful things into your life that you have been missing up to now.

"If it is that easy" you say "why am I not rich ... happy living in a mansion with a bank account that is overflowing?" Why am I still working, broke and hoping ends meet and flat out miserable?

The answer is exactly as I told you at the beginning "Because your not working for it!" Now you can do positive thinking, take personal growth courses, listen to audio tapes, attend seminars, do visualizations or write out reams of lists of what you want.

It will improve your life, I guarantee that, but it will not give you that magic touch to produce the genie that will grant you your wishes. The reason for your failure is "YOU" or rather its within you.

So what is missing? Belief. A simple little word of immense power. In a certain religion it is said "If man had faith the size of a mustard seed, he would move mountains." Today we talk about being "Clear" or "In tune". It matters not if the phrases are of a religious, meta physical, philosophical or psychological nature. The important part is the infallible and unwavering belief in the rightness of what will be.

Maybe you can relate to this .... You get up in the morning and do your rituals (bathroom, teeth, get dressed, coffee etc.)
you've got your moral booster prominently displayed to remind you of your goals (you repeat them 10x and visualize them). Then you hop in the car and go to work... then sit for 2 hrs in the *&%$#!! traffic jam and that D*MN ID*#T just cut you off making you miss your exit.

"POW"!!!! you just blew it! That's right all that effort to build the "positive" flow was just blasted out of existence when your frustration levels kicked into high gear. The focus of building your inner strength is not to "overcome" or "fight" the negative but to accentuate the "Rightness of Being" to a level that there is no room for the negative, no anger, no negative,
no frustrations

Simple words for a simple concept that has confounded mankind down through the ages because we do not "want" to believe its that easy. "Trust in the (Universe, God, Creative Force what ever you wish to call it.) and Believe in yourself."

Udo Hoffmann brings almost 40 years of sales and marketing experience into his writings. At present he is the resident article writer for "The 24 Karat Marketer Ezine" as well as freelancing on a regular basis many of his articles can now be found on his blog Vedi-Vini-Vichi

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