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Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Point Is To Get Started

Expert Author Jim Boere

Is there some reason you keep procrastinating on starting to develop your home business? You have been thinking and even planning to start your own business for a long time now but it never seems to materialize.

There is always something that takes precedence because you feel like you really don't have the time, space, money, or support to take on something new. Maybe you are just already too tired at the end of the day between your day job and your family responsibilities. These are all understandable reasons that could be preventing you from taking action.

You know what? Doing more will make you stronger and give you more energy. An example may be when you begin an exercise program. You may have to really drag yourself into a gym or maybe just outside where you can start a minimum impact walk around a few blocks to get started. The point is to get started.

Each day you will feel yourself getting a little stronger and be able to walk a little further or do a few more reps at the gym. By the way it is no longer recommended that you work yourself to death at the gym. Just keep it moderate.

Get away from your computer and get your circulation going. Amazing how that right there will revitalize you and clear your thinking so that you may be able to see that new path that leads to starting a business.

Clearing your mind probably really helps too to define exactly why you have always wanted to start a business part-time and hopefully grow it to full-time someday. An extra source of income is usually the biggest reason but if you really think about it that is not all.

Doing something creative that allows you to feel more of a sense of accomplishment is also a compelling reason to stop putting off what you could be doing today. See what else you might push out of your life that will allow you a little 'wiggle room' to accomplish something.

Sitting around and dreaming about what you know you need to do, or spending too much time trying to figure out how to do it will not serve your purposes. You really need to start.

Start with making a plan and setting measurable target goals; and then use that aggressive energy to actually make something happen. Just start. Start today!

Have you been procrastinating on starting your own home business? You are not alone.

Online business owner and author of the Home Business Tips Newsletter, Jim Boere: "There are amazing and easy to start home business opportunities out there. People just need some solid advice on where and how to get started, and I can help with that".

Jim's website can be found here:

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